Friday, April 25, 2014

Just some thoughts.

There has been so much in this past year that has changed, and I’m grateful for everything, for the good, and the not so great. I am a strong believer in everything happens for a reason.  I happen to think that in this past year I have learned a lot, about myself and about life in general. One thing that has really resonated with me is that things may be really crappy now but it can change in a blink of an eye if you are willing to let it, and once it does hold on to it because feeling good is so much better than feeling bad. It is so easy to let things get to you and get you down, and I’m not saying that you can’t ever let that happen cause we all have our days, but try to find something positive in every situation, I am working on it too and it’s not always easy, but it’s totally worth it. I believe the situations we deal with in life make us who we are, and I wouldn’t trade anything I have gone through or am going through because as much as it might have sucked its really made me who I am today. I am far from perfect though, and I will never be perfect but I am made in god image and that enough for me. I cannot wait to see what my life has in store for me as I turn 18 and graduate high school next year. I have no plan as of right now but I will never forget the bible verse Jeremiah 29:11, 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. And that will be a verse I never forget.

Things are falling into place?

So i went to visit a college yesterday and got to stay over night, and i absolutely loved it. It feels like the perfect fit for me, and i cannot wait to apply in June. Going on this visit i really had to look at what i wanted to pursue in College, and one things i had on my heart was Youth Ministry, and after this trip, i think i know more now that i i think that is my calling. I also would like to double major in Psychology, and possibly minor in Spanish. At the college i am talking about i would have the opportunity to go study in Guatemala for a whole semester, where i would be taught Spanish with a private instructor, and i would be taking college classes towards my degree, and possibly even an internship. I also have the option to go visit another place( i'm thinking India) for 3 weeks! The college requires a Cross Cultural where you go visit somewhere for at least three weeks but i could use the semester in Guatemala as a substitute for that, but i also really want to go to India, so. 
Honestly this is the most i have ever though about college at once but it all seems to make sense to me and its not even stressful, its feels good to think all of this rather than how am i going to pull this off.